Friday, December 3, 2010

A is for Absences & B is for Birthday's

I've been feeling like I don't really have anything interesting to say...
I guess that is why I've been away from blogland for a bit...
I don't want to bore you guys... & in all honest I still don't have anything interesting to say!
I love blogland & blogging too much to stay away forever!
So here I am, prepare your yawns.

First off I'd like to say my best friend Rachel (in picture above) turned 19 this past weekend! WOOP WOOP!
Celebrate good times, come on, lets celebrate!!!
eehh... did I really just quote that song?... that was incredibly cheesy... please ignore that...

Second, I was totally not getting into the Christmas spirit until "I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" came on the radio the other day.. then BAM! I was sold. Seriously guys, just listen to if you are having the holiday blues.. It'll turn it right around.

Also my good friends CastleLights are performing on Fox 26 this morning at 8. If you are in the Houston area check it out, they will be your new favorite band, promise ;)

Well I'll leave you with some tunes that have been on repeat for me.
Cause music has the power to move.
(video kinda freaks me out but the guitar & drums are so solid in this song.. I cant contain myself)
since I've been gone I've gained a few new followers, which is funny cause usually I lose them. Maybe I should start taking blogging breaks more often ;)
I kid, I kid. But welcome lovelies
I hope you kick off your shoes & stay for awhile

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