Thursday, November 25, 2010


I am thankful for:
My wonderful, amazing, awesome, blog followers. Who always lift me up when I'm feeling blue. I don't think you understand how many times I get your comments & go to my friends or mom & say "Look what {insert name here} said on my blog today! Each & every one of you are appreciated greatly.
- My mother, who despite the fact that she makes me more angry than anyone on this planet. She gave me life, & continues to make it a great one. I love you.
- My best friends (especially you Rachel, I love you thank you for never giving up hope on me).
- Being a vegetarian
- My HARLEY!!! awww... I love my little doggie so so so much.
-My job, who has became more of a second family. I'm so blessed to have them!
- My amazing family & friends & support system that I am blessed to have!
- The ability to love & be there for someone who doesn't choose to do the same for us, & the strength to be able to want to do that for someone else.
- Freedom

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