Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The weekend that turned into a week!

Oh so sorry for being away from blog land for so long!
I'll tell you exactly what happened!
Its kind of a funny story actually...

Friday: So as I had said before I was going to the "Fire on the Altar" this weekend!
So we (my, Rachel, Amber & my adopted mother Peri) left Friday & got a hotel on the other side of Houston, went to the Fire on the Altar (it was 50 hours straight, none stop) left Friday night, ran over to CastleLights cd release party, watched them play, ran back to the Fire on the Altar, went to the hotel to sleep a few hours,

Saturday: got up went back to the Fire on the Altar, went to eat some yummy dinner at my new fav place in Houston, The Red Balloon, went back to Fire on the Alter around 3am or 4am or so went back to our hotel to sleep.

Sunday: Got back up, checked out of our hotel, went to fire on the altar again! Took a lunch break & decided HEY! Why not drive to there resort in Galveston & check in & stay there tonight since we don't really want to go home yet!? So we drove all the way out to Galveston, ate at The Spot, checked in, went all the way back to Fire on the Altar till 10pm when it was finally over, drove all the way back to Houston that night, went to sleep in there BEAUTIFUL executive presidential suite, then

Monday: Morning came & the stupid fire alarm in the building (seriously... loudest most horrid sounding fire alarm I've ever heard) went off, after the maintenance people FINALLY got it off we went back to sleep, then when we finally did get up Amber had to go back home due to work & Peri (Rachel's mom, my second mommy hehe) decided to go get us groceries & just let us stay there till Wednesday (today) by ourselves.

Tuesday: We slept in, ate a yummy breakfast on the patio, talked about the dreams we had had finally decided to walk to the beach then Jer (Rachel's brother, Lead guitarist in CastleLights plus one of my best friends) called & asked if he could come hang with us which he did & we went back to the beach for a late night walk, played a skip-bo game that lasted what seemed like 3 hours, watched Dumb & Dumber & Without A Paddle & finally collapsed into bed.

Wednesday: Woke up to the alarm AGAIN! at 8:30 (it really wasn't funny... I was walking around disoriented bumping into things trying to get away from the ringing in my ears.. horrible), Jer left for work, Rach went back to bed & I curled up on the couch with some old black & white movies until Peri came & picked us up & brought me home & you'll never guess what I came home to!

My dream bed! The one I've been wanting forever! My mother bought it for me & set it up. She also bought me some more string lights & a new chair. Plus she cleaned my room for me! & my room looked a bit like Justin Bieber ran through it followed by his entire fan base & everything was destroyed in the wake, so thanks mom! You made a perfect end to a great week!

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